Lachlan Turczan w. Lily Clark - Bluestone Basin

Lachlan Turczan’s, Bluestone Basin is a 2023 site-specific collaboration with artist Lily Clark located in Piaule, New York, USA. Responding to the slabs of mossy bluestone that litter the site (memories of an abandoned quarry) and the cycles of weather and vegetation, the basin rests within and frames the landscape. Turczan also puts to use sonic vibrations to manipualte and disrupt the water’s surface. With the aid of a subsonic speaker patterns are performed within the bowl, slowly building, vibrating, and dissipating.

Whilst Turczan’s often relies upon the experiential properties of a work to do the speaking it is the meditative simplicity of his collaboration with Clark that drew me to Bluestone Basin. Furthermore my affinity for this work is born from my own encounters with blocks of Bluestone about my home not far from the Abbotsford Convent. Anyone who stumbles across these, often lumped in heaps, encounters not only the beauty of the stone but the presence of memory they hold fast to each place.

Turczan’s work can be found on his website here.


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