Antonio Massarutto - Bestiarium
I encountered Massarutto’s Bestiarium whilst reading Ron Broglio’s Surface Encounters, leading me into reflections upon the narratives emergent in conversations of nature, the wild, the other, and art.

Laurence Edwards - A Thousand Tides
Edwards use of the landscape and its shifting cycles and rhythms is what drew me to his work.

Cordelia Tam - Paper Rock
Tam’s work was brought to my attention in response to my piece Body Mould.

Nicholas Mangan - Termite Economies Phase 3
Mangan’s work was brought to my attention for its materialization of organic forms and non-human creative agency.

Lachlan Turczan w. Lily Clark - Bluestone Basin
Whilst Turczan’s often relies upon the experiential properties of a work to do the speaking it is the meditative simplicity of his collaboration with Clark that drew me to Bluestone Basin.

Antony Gormley - Sense
Gormley’s work first drew me to inquiries of the body and its relationship to space.

Pierre Huyghe - Exomind
Hughye’s use of the non-human within parks and garden spaces has peaked my interest this past year.

Lily Clark - Dew Point III
Clarke’s work re-entered my field of vision after the staging of my recent piece Body Mould.

Cordelia Tam - Grasping My Tradition
Tam’s natural forms, made in an act of daily ritual, reminisce upon the “flow of natural forces.”

Katherine Wolkoff - Deer Beds
I first encountered Dear Beds through my partner - she often brings work to my attention that speak of rest and repose.